Die Cut vs Kiss Cut Stickers

Stickers might just be the secret weapon of self-promotion. Slap a sticker on any surface, and it stays put, trumpeting your brand or idea to everyone in sight. Stickers appeal to both young and old, take up basically zero space, and yet leave a lasting impression. There’s no doubt that stickers can help you with your marketing game, but what sort of stickers should you go for? Gold Image Printing offers all sorts of sticker types, from flashy Foil Stickers to custom Circle Stickers that you can order by the sheet. Once you’ve settled on your sticker design, the tricky question comes into play: do I want a kiss-cut sticker or a die cut sticker? What’s the difference between a kiss cut sticker and die cut sticker? These terms can be confusing if you’ve never heard them before. But don’t worry, because Gold Image Printing is here to bring you into the loop on sticker terminology so you can confidently select the sticker type that will be perfect for your needs.

Die Cut Stickers

What exactly is a die cut sticker, anyway? For starters, let’s clarify the die cutting process. Die cutting is a method of cutting printed material, like stickers, into a specific shape. Think of it like a cookie cutter, but for stickers: a cutting blade is bent into a specific shape, mounted on a strong backing, and used to slice through one or multiple sheets at a time. This process produces stickers that are uniformly cut into a unique shape – from a slice of pizza to a cactus. If you’re wondering what the difference is between die cut vs kiss cut, here’s the breakdown: the die cutting process cuts through both the sticker and its backing, while with kisscut stickers, a different cutting process is used that only cuts through the sticker, leaving its paper backing intact. 

Die Cut Advantages and Applications

There are some distinct advantages to using Die Cut Stickers. For one thing, consumers are often drawn to the look of die cut stickers because the crisp edge gives them a 3D look, and they can easily picture the final result once the backing has been removed. If you’re looking to sell stickers, keep in mind that quirky and colorful die cut stickers that can be applied to phones, laptops, or water bottles sell like hotcakes. Since the custom die can cut through a stack of stickers in a single stroke, it’s a quick and easy process, which tends to bring down the price. For a cost-effective handout at a conference or trade show, Die Cut Stickers are an excellent pick. 

Kiss Cut Stickers

Let’s talk about kiss cut stickers – and it has nothing to do with puckering up! Kiss cut stickers are Custom Stickers just like die cut stickers, but they are produced using a different cutting method than die cutting. The term “kiss cut” or “kisscut” refers to the laser-cutting technique that cuts around the custom sticker shape, while leaving the backing intact, so that the two layers are touching, or kissing. For kiss cut stickers, the backing is usually in the shape of a square or rectangle that extends beyond the sticker on every side. This is really the only difference between kiss cut vs die cut: it basically comes down to the backing. Once the backing is removed, die cut stickers and kiss cut stickers look virtually identical.

Kiss Cut Advantages and Applications

In the case of kiss cut stickers, having the backing extend around the sticker can have some advantages over die cut stickers. That extra white space can be used to print your logo or other important information so that your brand gets associated with the sticker before the backing is removed. Also, being able to grasp the backing makes it easier to remove – a helpful advantage if your sticker has a delicate design that could tear without gentle handling. Kiss cut stickers are a great gift for kids whose fine motor skills are still developing, or for those with short nails – the peel-and-stick struggle is real, sometimes!

A Note on Design

Our user-friendly online platform allows you to completely customize every aspect of your stickers, from the cutting method to the color scheme and everything in between. Those of you unsure of your own design skills are welcome to reach out to us and ask for help using our design services. We understand that not everyone out there has a penchant for creative designs and may need some help putting their ideas together into effective advertising elements. Worry no longer! Whether it’s die cut or kiss cut, your design woes will melt away!


Now that you know the difference between die cut and kiss cut stickers, you can make an informed decision about which sticker type is right for your application. The great news is that you can’t go wrong with any of the Custom Stickers we offer at Gold Image Printing! Check out our blog post, All About Specialty Printing, to learn all about our printing specialties, which you can add to your custom stickers to make them even more unique – Foil Stickers in particular are an all-time customer favorite! Trying to strike that balance of expressing your personality while staying professional? We have the answers you’re asking for here: I Have Some Questions About Sticker Labels. In our opinion, stickers are one of the best tools out there for promotional purposes. But don’t just take our word for it – find out for yourself when you design one-of-a-kind die cut or kiss cut stickers with Gold Image Printing, the leading online printing service!